Tuesday, May 28, 2013

[Can't Wait] Revenge Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger

Well, till now I haven't read The Devil Wears Prada yet, but I am totally blown away by its movie. So, sooner or later, I plan to read it. And, just by this morning, I read Lauren's tweet about her activity in signing her new book, called Revenge Wears Prada.In the blink of an eye, I realize maybe this is a sequel for her sensational hit, The Devil Wears Prada.

Anddd, wowsa...this is real. Revenge Wears Prada is the second installment of Andy Sach's story. Yihaaaaa.... visit Lauren Weisberger's official website.

I'll look forward into it. Hopefully, I can read these two novels by Lauren. Cant' wait. DEFINITELY!


  1. This ended up being just ok for me, more of a reunion than aactual story, but that's alright. I was looking for something more like the first with the power of women in high positions and all. It wasn't bad, just not what I expected. Into Christina George's The Publicist which in genre is very similar to Weisberger's books. But it was very good, thepublicist.com for it's info. Rumour of a book 2 in that as well, I am not always sure about the sequels so we'll see!

  2. yaoloh. aku juga punya punya buku pertamanya, tapi ketimbun entah dimana (belum baca). kayaknya harus baca secepatnya deh, sebelum buku yang ini diterjemahin. :D

  3. Buku yang pertama adalah salah satu novel paling favorit gua. nggak pernah bosen dibaca walaupun berulang kali.
